2024 CBX Euro Rally Northern Ireland

2024 CBX Euro Rally
Northern Ireland

The 32nd CBX Euro Rally is to be held at Ballinamallard Football Club Nothern Ireland (BT94 2HG) from the 15th to 18th August 2024 .

Click here for full details that can be found on the  dedicated Facebook page.

Rally Details

We are in discussion with the PSNI and looks like we will have Police out riders like we had at the 2015 Rally for our two main ride outs. The first ride out will be approx. 50 miles. The 2nd ride out is not planned yet but will be as spectacular as the first.

We are planning a boat trip on Loch Erne on the Thursday 15th, this will need to be booked via your registration page, limited numbers so will be first come first served. We will leave the rally site at 12.30 for a short ride through Enniskillen then onto Heritage site Castle Coole 45 minutes to walk around the courtyard. Then back on the bikes for the ride to Loch Erne to leave for 13.30. We will arrive at the boat mooring at 13.45 to leave at 2.00 for the 2 hour tour and return at 16.00. Our back up vehicle will be there in case of any breakdowns on the both journeys. Where we will store our bike gear/helmets while on the boat trip. We only have 48 places available so these must be booked via the registration page in the other information box, when you register. We have places left but not many so book early to save disappointment, The cost of the 2hr trip will be £13 paid directly to the captain on boarding the boat.

As with the 2015 Rally we will have voting for all classes of CBX’s, furthest travelled, best overall CBX, best paint, best special. We will be holding two raffles Friday/Saturday.

This year we will want payment up front - no deposit as 2015, this helps in planning the event. We are hoping to keep the Rally fee approx. £140, tbc. Again, we will be having regalia for sale on the Facebook/registration page so you can pre order extra t-shirts, sweat shirts, caps, beanie hats etc, etc

The Panthers Rock n Roll band will be playing two nights at the Rally, Friday and Saturday. They are a great entertaining band with the lead singer Bill riding his bike to the Rally from the UK, sadly not a CBX.

Click HERE to get a list of accommodation, B&B’s, Hotels and Pubs with rooms.

Any further information contact:-

Ray 07890 010813, email rayinskipp@btinternet.com

Rickie 07980 255905

The rally fee will be £140 per person payment details are on the registration page below. When you register you must make the payment or your registration will not go through. We would have loved to keep the rally fee below £100 but it was impossible, not just the cost of living everything seemed to have doubled. We are asking rally goer's to confirm if they are coming for the breakfasts because in 2015 we didn't have a great number of rally goer's that were offsite coming for breakfast. The evening meals are not effected. We recently travelled over to Ballinamallard to put the final touches to the rally, we met the caterers, the council, the police, the venue, the marquee people. and we completed the two chosen ride outs unfortunately the Friday's ride out will not happen because of technical problems at the Cliffs of Slieve League. Sadly they could not accommodate us with the times so we are planning another stunning ride out. We are still in discussion with the PSNI and hoping to get a decision soon about our police out riders for the Friday ride out. Any problems with the registration page contact Rickie or Ray.

We are also doing a Euro Rally regalia page (see below) as 2015 you can place an order and collect it when you get your goodie bag.

Registration can be made using the form at the bottom of this page.


Posted: 14th July - Fermanagh Lakeland Tourist Board

We have had some positive help from Fermanagh Lakeland Tourist board. They have put a great peice on about the CBX Euro CBX Riders Club UK European Rally 15th to the 18th August 2024 N Ireland. The link to the tourist board information is below. We have completed our order for all the rally goodie bag contents, we will have a few rally shirts to sell on site and a few baseball caps. If you still want to attend the registration page is still open but we can't guarantee you will get a rally shirt, Joe from our caterers has giving a bit more time to place our final numbers for our rally goer's food, so if you do register late you will get the food, I will order you a rally shirt but it will have to be posted out to you after the rally.

Rickie has been beavering away into the early hours in his garage knocking up the banners for around the clubhouse. Think it was 1.59 when the message came through thanks for the wake up call lol.



See Facebook thread for more details, thanks Ray Inskipp CBX Euro Rally Organiser

Posted: 25th June - Thatched Pub in Boho

Thursday of rally week 6.30, In the evening we aim to take a few rally goers on a ride out to a thatched pub in Boho Fermanagh maybe a shandie then head into Enniskillen to a world famous chippy. It’s about 25/30 mile round trip. No pressure if you get there and fancy small ride out.

See Facebook thread for more details, thanks Ray Inskipp CBX Euro Rally Organiser

Posted: 23rd June 2024  - REGISTRATION CUT OFF DATE

Just to let everybody know, you can't say we didn't make you aware the cut off point for registrations is looming the registration will be closed on the 8th of July. We have to do this because every thing has to be paid in advance. In 2015 mine and Rickies first big rally we took just £10 of rally goers as a deposit and 10% of the people registered just did not turn up and let is know they where not coming so we had approx 20 goody bags packed and paid for by us and left over, we where very lucky we sold most of the regalia that was in the bags, but we cannot afford to let this happen again as this rally is self funding with a help from the CBX Riders Club UK. We are well on our way to having reached our target but a few more registrations will help, so if you intend coming to the 2024 cbx euro rally N Ireland you need to get registered asap. If you just turn up at the rally site you will probably not get a rally shirt and food, we will try our best to accommodate you but no promises. If by any chance any body is struggling with the registration page and can't get the internet or any other issues with the reg page ring me and I will register for you Ray 07890010813.

Joe from our chosen caterer JD.s has been in touch and forwarded a few more images of the food we will be getting, I must say we are not going to hungry.

See Facebook thread for more details, thanks Ray Inskipp CBX Euro Rally Organiser

Posted: 29th April 2024

Looks like the ferry companies have gone mad with their prices to get across to the CBX Riders Club UK European Rally 15th to the 18th August 2024 N Ireland. I know Rickie White has always pointed out to me when he goes to any of the Euro Rally's its two ferry's for him and Alistair Campbell which are very expensive, but this year the prices have gone through the roof. I think we need to look at other alternatives to get the Europeans across, there is quite a few ways to get to Ireland. One of them being the Euro tunnel quite a lot cheaper if you go on the unsocial times crossings, then head up to Hollyhead ferry to Dublin. Maybe Le Harve to Rosslair. Any rally goers had problems getting a decent priced ferry, let us know what the outcome was and we can pass it onto the people who have not booked yet. The numbers registered are going up but we still need people to register well before the event. This will help to make the rally the best possible with the money at our disposal.

See Facebook thread for more details, thanks Ray Inskipp CBX Euro Rally Organiser

Posted: 29th March 2024

Great news for our CBX Riders Club UK European Rally 15th to the 18th August 2024 N Ireland it has been confirmed we have Police outriders for our Friday ride out. Big thanks to Alan Ward and the PSNI police service of Northern Ireland. Hopefully it will be as memorable as the 2015 ride out. The PSNI will be running a bike safe event, they will have officers manning a stall to take questions on safe riding etc etc ..They will not be doing the bike safe rides this time because of the costs, anybody wishing to do would have to pay to complete it. I did it 2015 and got a safe riding certificate at the end of it, great experience.

Ray Inskipp

Rally Merchandise

2024 CBX Euro Rally Registration Form

The rally fee of £140 has to be paid up front before we can process your application. Payments through PayPal can be sent to the account cbxmag@yahoo.com You may pay by bank transfer but you must email us via cbxmag@yahoo.com to arrange payment as soon as you have registered or your registration will not go through. We will confirm your registration via your email supplied on the registration page. *required field

Rally Fee must be paid when you have registered.

Please note, you must use the friends and family option when paying the rally fee by PayPal, as if not PayPal will take a fee from the payment.

Gluten Free
Lactose Intolerant
Other (complete below)
I have sent my payment via PayPal (with friends and family option)
I wish to pay by bank transfer